Creative Director / Copy
Write the wrongs gif.gif

Gillette: Respect Your Region



For far too long, guys have showed a certain level of disrespect to their groins—from shaving them with old face razors, to just calling them “junk.”


It’s not junk, so show your nether region some respect with America’s most trusted brand in grooming.



Gillette was launching their Men’s Intimate Grooming line, and knew they couldn’t do what their competition was doing. Humor and metaphors are not Gillette’s style. They usually show a man using the product—but in this case, that proved tricky (it is, after all, a ball trimmer). So we took this as a fun challenge, and set out show as much of the product use as we could—without revealing too much skin, of course. In this spot, we got JUSSSST as close to the region as we possibly could for network clearance. And we made the clients blush, which was a win for us.